Digital Marketing Funnel 數據營銷漏斗

Digital Marketing Funnel 數據營銷漏斗

Exposure 曝光 : Inbound, Organic Search, Social Media, Content, Community, Press, Blogosphere, Forums, Referring Links, Email, Direct, Word of Mouth, etc.

Discovery 探索 : The first few visits to the websites are often focused on consuming content and learning more about the company and product/services.

Consideration 考慮 : At some point, a visitor becomes a potential customer as they consider whether the product offered is a match for their needs.

Conversion 轉換 : The completion of an action on the side convert visitors to the customers.

Customer Relationship 客戶關係 : Customer service, fulfillment, communication and happiness with the product all play info the post-conversion experience.

Retention 客戶保留 : If customers have experiences, they often return/stay.

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